

it's been a good weekend.

my parents flew in on friday night and came and picked me up with my stuff for the weekend to stay at my grandpa's house in pleasant grove. we woke up early on saturday and me and my mom went to salt lake for the morning session of general conference. we had tickets to see it in the conference center. it was quite excellent. my favorite part is always when the prophet first comes in and everybody stands up and it gets really quiet and just the organ is playing. it kind of reminds me how everyone will bow for christ. we came back to grandpa's and watched the afternoon session on tv and then me and mom went over to celesta's while dad and grandpa went to salt lake for the priesthood session. we ordered pizza and watched victoria's american girl felicity movie (it was pretty good for an american girl movie. kind of cute, even).

I was blessed this weekend to not be hardly tired at all and I had some questions in mind that really helped me get more out of all of the sessions. it was a really wonderful conference weekend.

I had a ticket for the morning session today, but I decided to stay home and watch on tv with my grandpa while my parents were in salt lake for both sessions. then I read more of le malade imaginaire (trying to catch up on everything I haven't been reading this semester). when my parents got back, we sat and talked and I spilled the whole drama of my life (all of it) to my dad in about 20 minutes (I talk really fast) and then he and my grandpa gave me a priesthood blessing. I really needed that a week ago, but my dad wasn't here then. it was wonderful.

we had family dinner at celesta's tonight and then just talked til 9 when dad and grandpa brought me back to the apartment. I wanted to not be stressed out by getting back way late and I needed to read some more moliere. crazy to think that in two weeks, I'll be seeing my parents again in virginia. finals and everything will be over and 6 days later I'll be flying to paris. this is getting really close.

today I signed and mailed my taxes.

side note:
how long is the expected wait between giving out your number and getting a call?
should I be getting worried? I'm a little worried.

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