
defying logic

there are things I have a problem with at work, but I tell you what, working with good people makes it so fun. on friday mornings I work for a 4 hour block and I get to work with rachel, jeremy, faby, chris and mckay. all in one day! of course, it always helps when you're in a good mood. I was in a very good mood today and I wasn't tired at all which is incredibly weird since I was in such an awful, crazy mood last night and was exhausted and I only got 5ish hours of sleep. I have decided that I defy all logic.

my sisters are hilarious. I love them.
carolyn called me on my birthday and we were talking about my future plans for this year and the next. I'm trying to decide when, whether, etc. to go on a mission. I really have no idea. and carolyn says, "of course, I'm biased, but I want you in my wedding, damn it!!" it was pretty much amazing.

I'm still hearing rumors about the arrested development movie. that would only be the best movie of all time! well, it would beat the simpsons movie, at least.

the psychology behind netflix is ingenious. rather than being victimized by late fees, you have no one to blame but yourself when you're paying every month for that one dvd you have in your drawer somewhere that you're too lazy to find and send back for your next one. that's what you get for paying for one dvd at a time, I guess. and you keep telling yourself it's worth the money if you'd just send it back and get more movies. now the only question is, why don't I don't something about this? seeing as I understand it so well. I suppose this is just my contribution to pushing blockbuster out of business. cause it's lame.

yesterday, I never wanted to see junk food again in my life. today, I never want to eat anything but junk food again in my life. hmmm. I'm starving.

a story

the cast:

the setting:

the story:

the end

(young college student whose name I forgot to take down)



friends, family
I love you
thanks for an awesome birthday


sometimes pictures are just more fun than writing

here are my crazy puffy allergy eyes. fun!!

clay totem pole art that me and david made. we won shirts!

quelle deche



yoga mat brand-new freshness

dancing to my singing card

eating a cake for abe

this year was a wonderful birthday for many reasons
like 10 times better than last year
I was just so happy,
am still happy


d&c blog premier

I'm taking a doctrine & covenants religion class this semester, the Honors section taught by Dr. Holzapfel. a major part of our grade is doing weekly blog posts that have to do with our reactions to the material taught in class. in theory, I could have just made a new blog for the class, posted for the semester and then forgotten about it. but I decided that the fact that I was hesitant about putting my feelings about religion up here indicated to me that I really should. so, head's up, there's going to be a weekly post on this kind of thing for a few months. one reason for this is to make positive voices available instead of leaving it to the critics to define us. I hope it's interesting to more than just me - feel free to ask questions or start a discussion in the comments.

I also had Dr. Holzapfel for Honors 240 my freshman year, the near-equivalent of American Heritage, so I'm familiar with some of the historical context involved in the restoration of the gospel. the fact that the constitution does not specify a state religion is mostly because, well, which one would you choose? many states had their own state-supported religions including catholicism, anglicanism, puritanism, etc. the rise of the baptist and methodist popularity is because there was an institutional void in the new country, especially in the advancing backwoods frontier of settlers moving west towards the mississippi. hence the religious revival and the "church-ing" of America.

how does this affect Joseph Smith? profoundly. his family was a veritable microcosm of the religious upheaval happening across the country. his parents were split in beliefs and commitment to a set religion (universalist, non-attending father and a baptized presbyterian mother). his siblings followed one parent or the other. and Joseph found himself with a significant freedom at a relatively young age: the right to investigate the truth of different religions and decide for himself which one he wanted to join. I commend him for his seriousness in his pursuit of the truth. I can think of a lot of people my age, let alone his age, who just wouldn't have cared regardless of the religious climate of the burned-over district of New York.

so he attends meetings. he talks with preachers. he asks questions and gets incomplete answers, or dissatisfying ones. he studies the bible. where in the world did he find the time to do that? why in the world can I never find time to do that? he was working, real physical labor, constantly. what 14 year old boy finally gets his shoes off after a long day of work and reads the bible? someone who was hungering for truth, for answers.

I like a class that puts me in the history of the events, that helps me better understand the feelings and motivations of the people who have become a faint shadow of reality behind the weight of their own myth. history isn't a fairy tale, it's an existence that was just as real then as we are to ourselves today. so when I am the one who wants the truth, the answers, I understand why and what I should do to get them. it doesn't surprise me. it makes perfect sense.

rhyme & reason

I am rhyme and reason.
I am the resolution of all conflict.

I am the strength of an arm --
not force, but lotus
quiet channeled discipline that shapes destiny through air.
fair, flying, free
not delicate, but grace.
not delicate, no.

I am the innermost point of balance,
of consciousness, of being,
hidden, niched, somewhere between
the lifeblood and Adam's rib,
boneless, skinless breast
flayed alive to the point of misinformation
til I cry out in my anguished silence,
never, no. not that, no.

I am floating, lurching
through the fairyland flames that
engulf me and leave behind
a past-laden ash,
born of the question

I am always more than I thought I was
so filled with the euphoria of a crystalline world.
not untouched, but breakable
it is meant to be loved,
or used
if you happen to call it that.
but not fragile.
not that, no.
she will outlast us all, despite our best efforts.

I am the buried bulb
forgotten inside an earthy bed,
a safe place,
til unearthed again
til barren, rotted
tossed away
left right
no matter --
to the dogs either way.

I am lithe and moving,
always moving in my frame,
this frame of mind
that determines me solid and cloud at once.
not above or beneath
but certainly not on the ground.
not that,
that no-man's land,

I am the gritty sand that crumbles from brick
and flies windward
to pepper the waves with messages.

I am the in out flickering of tail feathers
that slip behind the branch.

I am a string in the harp,
sleeping under a mindful burial ground,
a mountain of time and water,
but not earth.

I am too vast for a single space.

I am twins, shrouded
with hair to their thighs,
whispers alive in their eyes.
so free they cannot be breached,
not even by truth.

I am a stop-time photograph,
captured in still frames that
imagine they have found reality
when really it's just me,
the spots on the lens.
sometimes I make an appearance,
but you won't see it.
never, no.
eyes? no.
heart? not that, no.

you don't know what it is you're looking for.
you can't pick and choose
the bird in the tree
the twins hiding free
you and me
never, no.
not that, no, no.
I am almost a bird.
I am vast and free.
I am rhyme and reason and me.


just don't breathe

I'm allergic to air. it is ridiculous. actually, utah valley is ridiculous. the air quality level is so horrendous here that I'm having an allergic reaction. and it's really not very fun, especially since I've never had allergies before. I'm just going to state here for the record that when I have finished at university, I am never going to live in utah again. I don't care about my husband's job. I will not be marrying someone who has to work in utah. or wants to live there. or can in any way tolerate the thought of living there. the end.

I'm being called into the work office during my shift tomorrow and I don't know why. I'm really kind of scared about it. work situations stress me out so bad. I don't know why they didn't just call me in when they want to see me tomorrow, instead of making me freak out all night and all day tomorrow. I have no idea what this is about. wish me luck.

today I bought benadryl, emergence-cs, strawberry chapstick, smartwater and a bagel. then not a half hour later I bought the economist, time and newsweek. I was just going to get the economist, but the special commemoration edition of newsweek for obama was out and that's kind of a must, and time was people of the year with obama as person of the year, so I kind of had to get that one too. so I spent a lot of money today, but I still feel happy about it.

my french choir class frustrates me. the teacher's cool, but he's new and too nice; people talk too much all the time and we never get anything done. it's going to take forever for people to learn the music, let alone the pronunciation because he's not concerned about that even though it's kind of critical. our pianist is just some girl who volunteered in the class so the piano situation is mostly a failure. I sing tenor cause the boys are outnumbered about 6 or 7 to 1. the class is too large. it's just ... lame. I hope it gets some better. I was hoping that this would be my first official choir experience, but it's turning out to be just as informal and unhelpful as any other I've ever participated in. sad day.

I'm going to take some more benadryl, take a nap and maybe possibly think about doing my homework ... maybe.

gars interdits


deirdre departing

Darling, I told you already:
Don't think of me leaving,
Don't think of me going. Think,
Dear heart, of the staggering size of the world, the
Doors I have never even seen.
Today dawned bright and blue and he appeared, a
Daedalus to take me to the sun. There was no
Decision, no breath of doubt. We are
Dizzy in the sky the night left behind;
Our hearts dart toward it, dancing, darling--
Don't think of me leaving.

(katie horowitz)


this is insane. I wish I were brave enough to do it.

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.

dream blog 6

at the academy awards nomination ceremony, you know, the formal acceptance of nomination but not the real receiving of awards. I don't even know if that really exists. I was there with my parents and gregory. matthew broderick cried and it was really funny.

I'm at some xtreme sports event with my mom and I'm racing. I don't know what it was I was doing, not biking or motocross, but there were these huge jumps and I was totally doing flips off of these huge ramps and flying through the air and winning. and then I stopped. I tried it and it was scary and awesome, but I didn't keep going.

I was in an elementary school going to classes. I can't remember the details except for the mini stairs and some problem with computers or something. the teacher spoke to me.

I'm somewhere in asia. I throw in my fishing line and immediately lift it and pull up a fish. I put it in a bucket of water and bring it to this half-blind old woman. she gives me a blank look like what the hell are you giving this to me for?

some guy has an iPod just like mine. it's playing the song on my phone that's my alarm and it won't stop. I toggle the hold button and it still won't stop. I'm getting angry at it and then I wake up and my alarm is going off. surprise.

poetry of friends

just sometimes,
emotions cannot be
quantified in words, but are best
expressed in
in touches.
in slow, sweet exhales,
and in scratches on backs.
there are moments where I
might not be so articulate,
but believe me:
when I tell you
I want to eat you like ice cream,
I mean it with every ounce of every emotion
I can pack into a simile.


just as the moon carries the ocean
I have no accomplishment more flattering.
but I must admit myself
that I dream of your passion
that back doesn't itch
but the relief of your touch
represses any discomfort.

hold me,
but harder,
kiss me, but I will see you again.
maybe not, but don't fret.
you can rest assured that your dreams
will not be kept a secret.



twelfth night

bad things:

abe is gone
I'm out of medicine and haven't filled my prescription yet
I can't find cheap boots that I like
our house still smells like shrimp from wednesday. it clings
the cable cord doesn't reach the tv in its new spot
I need to do my laundry
cheap plane tickets to madagascar do not exist

good things:

I am meeting more people in my classes
my hair
my doctrine and covenants class
I love the girls I work with on thursdays
finger puppets for my nephew
rocking out to guitar hero
free things from anthropologie
dancing to ipod music on the street and
knowing that someone driving by
is thinking crazy things about you

the word twelfth is unspeakably awesome. tonight is my twelfth night back in utah. I imagine the letters lfth are as hard to pronunciate for english-learners as tchr is for me in malagasi.

no really, readers.
what is the difference between wishes and dreams?
do tell.



today I am rocking my awesome new coat, my skinny jeans, and my crazy floof hair. it actually looks pretty amazing. thank you, océane's mousse & diffuser. er, thank you océane, rather.

I am also rocking the delicious pancake breakfast abe made us this morning. and the wonderful time we had last night playing babyfoot, settlers of catan, going to the temple, having malagasi grammar and pronunciation lessons, and all-around soaking up the last of the four of us together before abe leaves. which he did. today. at noon. to go to paris. it would be ten times more sad except we know he's missing us as much as we're missing him. already.

now it's time to really get going with school. I had so many readings the first week that I was already behind and since we've been acting like it's vacation for this week ... let's just say I really ought to use my planner more. and not spend so much time on the internet. I really need straight A's this semester so I can get my scholarship back for next year. I owe it to my parents, since they help me out with housing and since I'm saving up and spending all my money on europe and madagascar.

difference between wishes and dreams? tell me.


first week

brought out the mattresses already on our first saturday.
watched mamma mia! and it was lame.
post-church nappage.

my little niche of pondering and writing in my journal.
I thought it was quite pittoresque.
yes, that is my perch right there.

at the CES fireside where president monson came to speak.
cuteness in the row in front of us.
I sketched them while we waited for it to start.

planning our trip to madagascar, motorcycle diaries style,
on the lamba cloth that abe gave us for christmas.
best present ever! it's now on our wall.

went bowling with charisse, sterling and and this little fiend, coulter.
the kid needs to stop growing, please.
we don't see each other often enough. which means never.

only the first week and already I don't care.
what does this mean? I don't know.
I just want to go see the world.
hopefully this feeling fades just enough to function.

til next time ...

we'll be chillin' out