
here's to a new one

two whole posts in 2012 ... this has been a rocking year for blogging :)

in my defense, I started grad school again in January and have been the busiest ever, in winter semester and this fall.  I worked SO hard this last semester and got straight As in five classes - I'm pretty darn proud of myself :)

here are some highlights of the year:

- started grad school again - Master of Public Administration, Nonprofit Emphasis, at BYU
- went to Ghana with the MPA and loved it SO MUCH
- read books the rest of the summer
- visited Virginia for Jeffrey's high school graduation
- celebrated 1 year with my lovely Andy, on a freezing, miserable night camping in the Uintas - we'll try the whole anniversary thing next year and see if it turns out any better :)
- did a literature review for one of my professors, and now I'll be writing a paper with her this coming semester
- went to D.C. on an MPA Career Trip
- had a lovely Christmas with my family in Utah - they drove out to be with us
- Claire's new baby Liana, who is the softest and sweetest baby in the world

it was one of the hardest years ever, but lots of good to look back on, too.  hopefully I'll have some more to say in 2013.  if you're sticking around, thanks for sticking around!
