
poem 30/12/2009

As naked trees reach to the crisp gray sky
and populate the gentle mountainside;

As turkey tracks parade across the path
and follow, companion prints to footsteps;

As unbroken crust of a frozen field
holds the tentative weight of my body;

As starling caws burst from their treetop holds
and undulate through the motionless hills;

As the warmth of lights in lowering dusk
beckons to blankets and wood-panelled walls;

As wisps of cloud reveal the full-faced moon
and faintly kiss and caress its pale light;

As falling shadows meld with wooded trails,
As the swollen creek persistently flows,
As silent secrets hug lone country roads;

I love you --

As blue ridge mountains cling to wintry nights.

christina is carrying 2 sets of identical twins

go to googlism. put in your name. this is the type of awesome you will find.
thanks rochelle for putting me on to it.

christina is a dear person whom i've come to know through our tragically crossed paths
christina is especially proud of her ballads
christina is young
christina is the best 'sleepy girl' that i have ever seen
christina is a 21 year old woman and she needs to dress the way she wants to dress
christina is your best choice
christina is carrying 2 sets of identical twins
christina is livin' it up with rappers she considers her big brothers
christina is internationally renowned & highly sought after
christina is trapped in a loveless marriage to the german prince hans
christina is an organizational development executive for a major fashion retailer
christina is respected and loved by the people of america
christina is my role model
christina is a singer/songwriter from glasgow
christina is down and dirty
christina is on sabbatical until june 2001
christina is so fascinated with marilyn monroe?
christina is singing the song with just her voice and piano because it shows she can actually sing
christina is more a garbo vehicle than a mamoulian film
christina is awesome
christina is abducted by the ghoul
christina is the protagonist in the story
christina is a fascinating lady, confident, bright and intelligent with a whole range of interests
christina is not at this point permanently exiled from sweden
christina is single
christina is a soul diva
christina is astounded when friends romanticize her situation
christina is a punter of loudonline
christina is highly motivated
christina is back


a sonnet

I've found you in the sweetly spiced steaming of tea
Though it burns my fingers and it suddenly mists
My vision over with fog on lenses lost to see,
I carry you, secret, a warmth between my fists.

You tend to surface gently inside of each song
And re-flourish afresh on the words that you wrote
So transient it seems that I must have it wrong
And these thoughts cram all in, try to stop up my throat.

I've found you in forests where deep boughs surround
Enfolding me, truthful, and I do what I must
As stark wind just ripples a lone frantic heart crowned
With being, just being, in the midst of all dust.

Bright moss springs up behind each step across my heart
That flows the faintly dire of each moment into art.


harry meets a kindred spirit

despite the increased harry potter joy on the blog of late,
I actually did this a long while ago
when I was experimenting with charcoals and pastels.
I just never got it up here.

my favorite poem maybe

who knows if the moon's
a balloon, coming out of a keen city
in the sky -- filled with pretty people?
(and if you and i should

get into it, if they
should take me and take you into their balloon,
why then
we'd go up higher with all the pretty people

than houses and steeples and clouds:
go sailing
away and away sailing into a keen
city which nobody's ever visited, where

Spring) and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

by e e cummings


it's coming

oh my holy FREAKING goodness

go here
watch it
be ridiculously excited
(like I am)


I win

well sorry for the light posting, but I have reached the day (or week) of reckoning and actually have to do things. yesterday, I wrote an 11-pager and a 4-pager in the morning, gave a presentation, wrote a 5-pager and a 2-pager in the afternoon, and an 8-pager at night (and into the morning).


granted, there is still much much much left to do, but I have a week to do it and not just one day, so I feel good. I still have a 10-15 pager, a however-long-it-needs-be-but-probably 10-pager, paris walks paper (bwah still haven't done that), a portfolio and CV, swahili writeup, humanities final-cum-museum exposition paper, and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

but "it will be okay. if you do your best, it will be okay." (pres. hinckley)

so I cannot WAIT for this week to be over!! I fly home in a week! and knowing me, I'll start packing in like, 2 days.

I am going to beat the crap out of this semester in this last week, much like it beat the crap out of me for the past 3 and a half months. REVENGE IS SWEET.


anything but long

though my hair is a lot shorter than the last pictures
it's still grown a ton since I got it cut
when I came back from thanksgiving break
oceane couldn't believe how much it had grown

I'm like harry potter
except I grew it over a week
instead of overnight
and there was no horrendous haircut mistake to fix by magic ...

just an awful lot of hair that won't stop growing

I love how every time I see a picture of myself
even of just a month ago
I always say, "woah my hair is so long"
and then I realize how ridiculous that statement is.

my hair is anything but long.
though it certainly is awesome :)


card for cassi

"If I had known I would get to spend the rest of my life with you," he said,
"I would have started the rest of my life much sooner."

card I made for cassi's bridal shower

somehow adorable

I just realized that I never got these up at halloween-time cause the internet was being stupid. well, it's still sort of stupid, but it works. here is my mold-ridden, diseased (yet still somehow adorable) pumpkin, a tribute to where the wild things are.


wishing money grew on trees. or shrubberies

got an email from les petits freres
asking me to take a survey
and inviting me back next summer
oh I am so tempted.

maybe if I get the ORCA grant I can afford it ...
hmmm :)


okay okay so I'm not supposed to be blogging - I'm supposed to be working on the 20 billion things I have to do in, oh, the next WEEK or so. so many things. anyway, I needed a break, so here I am.

I am not yet done with Mrs. Dalloway, but here are some vocabs I got and some awesome quotes.

a thumbscrew

" -- It has flowered; flowered from vanity, ambition, idealism, passion, loneliness, courage, laziness, the usual seeds ..."

"And was there, after all, anything to draw attention to them, anything to make a passer-by suspect here is a young man who carries in him the greatest message in the world, and is, moreover, the happiest man in the world, and the most miserable?"

also, for the record, I look smashing today. new skirt classiness joy.

also, I am starving.