
d&c blog finale

well, the semester's coming to an end and so is this assignment. I don't know, sometimes the topics were forced, just cause I had to write to get credit and I didn't always have much to say. but I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn to be more courageous about just saying how I feel. that's never been a problem for me with anything else, but I've been rather hesitant about sharing my testimony and spiritual experiences and opinions. this assignment helped me learn to be more open about that.

I have no idea if anyone has gotten anything out of this. frankly, it's not really for me. writing that sort of stuff down doesn't really add anything to the experience and internal synthesis I've already been through on a given spiritual topic. so I hope, not that it's taught you anything, but that maybe it got you to thinking. my epiphanies aren't your epiphanies, nor are my questions or conclusions yours. but I hope you will keep asking God and yourself questions. complacency never got anybody anywhere. I know that if you ask God for answers or guidance, He will listen and answer. you will find clarity, not always in the answers you get but in the way you learn to ask questions.

I know that God lives and that his son Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. that goes for me and you and everyone else. I know they love us and always know what we need. trust them. they will never lead you wrong.

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