
sangria and salsa

tonight I did ... not my homework.

well I did most of it, but I still need to study for stats test that I have to take tomorrow. david was over and we were all doing our homework, but when they brought the (non-alcoholic) sangria and turned up the music, that was the end of it. carlos and I danced merengue, bachata, and salsa, and I kind of taught him cha-cha but I'd mostly forgotten  it. it was fun! I need to learn how to move my hips. david spilled the sangria seriously three times. once on our armchair, once on the carpet, and once on the rug. we laughed so so hard.

then we watched teenage mutant ninja turtles, the old eighties one. we watched it to appease david cause he gave avatar a chance so we had to give his movie a chance. it was ridiculous.

lots of work coming up for tomorrow til thursday. hopefully I won't be so tired that I can't study statistics cause I keep falling asleep, like today. wish me luck. and maybe some more sangria would be good.


  1. you had sangria? i've never heard of non-alcoholic, did you just use grape juice instead of wine?

  2. ???
    no. we bought nonalcoholic sangria. in a bottle. it tastes like normal sangria it just doesn't have actual alcohol in it.

  3. how would you know it tastes the same? hmmm... (jkjk)

    oh, utah and all their non-alcoholic/caffeine beverages.

    i have never seen premade sangria of any variety. and for it to be "real" it has to have fruit chunks in it.

    anyways, i'm confused by this concept. without wine, its just punch.

  4. I don't know what in the world you are talking about. but these are real spaniards buying it and they know what they're talking about.

  5. "If you are looking for a unique beverage experience, then you should try Senorial brand Sangria flavored Mexican Soda. This unique carbonated beverage has a flavor that is more subtle and complex than most of the major soda brands out there. While the Senorial soda is not truly a sangria derivative, the flavor is similar enough to a refreshing glass of sangria to be acceptable."
