

I love learning. 
I have also recently discovered a life philosophy that I'd like to try out.
therefore, I am actually considering not graduating in three years.
(fun as it would be to graduate the same time as my mom)
"All genres are essentially the same until the end,
so you don't know which one you're inhabiting until you reach the end."
I'm tired of trying to know the end. 
I'm okay with just trying to experience the now.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for your new philosophy! As much as I would enjoy graduating with you, too, you don't need to hurry through life. This is your time for education and experience unlike any you will have later in life--drink it in, love it, soak in it, because it can nourish you forever. Be poised for the unexpected and unplanned that may come your way.

