
jesus is even better than thoreau

I had to read the whole book of mark for my new testament class today, cause the class just covers the gospels, so we start with getting the whole picture of jesus's ministry. I'm really excited about this class, about the insights I'm going to get just from studying the gospels. I haven't read much of anything other than the book of mormon for awhile now, and I think I really miss other scripture.

from this reading I have discovered that jesus was a freaking genius! I mean, not only is he amazing in every other way, he's a master of logic and language. I think I'm more attuned to it right now cause I've been reading walden, but he is so wonderfully profound. and so sassy. 

and I was really impressed by his love for the individual. he gave of himself constantly for others, even those who didn't really believe him, they just wanted a miracle. and he gave it to them because he loved them and wanted to help them. when he healed the man with palsy that they lowered through the roof, first he forgave him of his sins. and if you think about it, his sins were already forgiven. I see those words as a loving reassurance, of jesus giving a soul peace. 

also, when the crazy possessed man who broke his chains and cut himself up with rocks came to him, jesus asked the name, not the name of the man, but the name of the spirit possessing him (cause it was the evil spirit that came and bowed before him, asking him not to send him away). jesus knew that spirit. that spirit was a brother. and he felt sadness for him who had so destroyed his hopes for eternal progression or remote happiness.

the message of christ and most, if not all, religion is love and peace. whatever disagreements religions have, we should focus more on that. all religion is based on faith. so we have faith in the reality of different truths. okay. but we also believe that the fruits of those truths, no matter what truths they are, are love and peace. so let's stop arguing about the details and get to it.


  1. Well, I guess this means you won't being paying me a visit here in Richmond? :) By the way, I have to give a talk and your entry fits perfectly, so I am going to steal some of it. I promise not to use your real name to protect the innocent... ok? Hope you're havin' fun (oh, and studying too)!!!

  2. you may only steal it if you tell everyone that jesus was sassy. haha just kidding, but you totally should anyway. feel free!

    it's pretty fun, better than last year. i'm keeping busy, eating lots of course, and walking everywhere!

  3. out of curiosity, which part are you using?
