
wing to wing

internet, would you like to tell me what is going on with this "macaron" fettish? and why can no one spell that right? it's a cookie. called a macaroon. and I know you all like to pretend you're cultured and hoity-toity saying it the french way but let's face it - how many of you really speak french? how many of you even cared about the deliciousness of a macaroon before it started cropping up on all of your favorite blogs?

I had dreams a couple nights ago. I even went over them in my head after I woke up so that I wouldn't forget, but I didn't write it down, so now it's mostly gone. all I've got is that there was a huge train/bus thing on this bridge that I diverted so a bunch of people wouldn't die but then the path I made it go on made it run over someone else important to me. I was hurt, but all that mattered was that that person was gone. later I was coming out of the grocery store and there was this group of people going in and as I was passing, I turned and looked and pedro and tabish were in the group and they turned and saw me too. they came over and hugged and talked and came with us (whoever I was doing the shopping with) to fix dinner. in the parking lot, I told tabish how I missed them and wished I saw them more and he said offhandedly that he doesn't ever think of me. it was sad.

"be kind - for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

"there are days we live
as if death were nowhere
in the background; from joy
to joy to joy, from wing to wing,
from blossom to blossom to
impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom."

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