

sundays can be contemplative or blegh.
the blegh ones are just too jam-packed with stuff, with no time to think or feel.
the contemplative ones, there's time to work out things with yourself.
today was rather busy, but contemplative, too.

spent lots of money yesterday, but I don't feel guilty because it's all extra unexpected earnings. the defense department has language level tests for employees, I guess, and they've re-written the tests and need to verify them. so they asked byu for french students to take them and they're paying a lovely $275. which I very much appreciate. as does my summer wardrobe. as do my feet, rocking their new sperry top-siders. so cute. they make me feel like I'm just chilling in coastal maine, and that I am happy with.

you always know when a storm is coming through utah valley. it gets windy - the very best gusty kind - and the pollution haze drifts down over the mountains into the valley (oh joy). and of course, when I say storm, I really mean like a drizzle. man, I love virginia's storms in the summer. they are incredibly awesome. summer rains are the best kind.

I don't know why I'm such a man-hater. I've never really been hurt. I've always been the one who moves on. I guess it's just cause they're mean and stupid and annoying. most of them anyway. feel free to justify yourself in the comments, but it's gonna take a lot to change my mind.

I am so random these days.


  1. "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

    ...or put another way:

    "Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."

    (both versions of Hanlon's razor taken from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor )

    I think most guys (most people really) aren't so much willfully mean as ignorantly inconsiderate or imperceptive.

    I make no arguments against stupid and annoying.

  2. dudette. call me. seriously, reading your blog is lke reading code. you need to fill in all the blank spaces.
