
instinctive poetry

a tribute to a most awesome kid
named david
and the note I wrote
that turned out to be a poem
quite unconsciously

david, you're great!

i haven't heard from you in awhile :(
i hope you're doing alright
i hope you're not killing yourself with the webseries
i hope you will call me whenever you need to
rant or unwind or chill or sing or otherwise help yourself
by helping me because whenever you hang out with me
i feel wonderful because you are wonderful
and i want to keep being your friend
much love ♥

you've already read it, I know, but I still mean it.


  1. i took it off because it was mean. this is a happy love post.

  2. it wasn't mean. it was true. i think it's interesting how everything has come full circle.

    we couldn't stand him and now we're friends, though you guys are obviously way closer than he and i are, but you know what i mean.

    and i'm fairly certain the feelings were mutual.

  3. no, we never hated him. well, i never hated him.

    i was just frustrated because i always wanted to have a deeper, more meaningful friendship with him but he was always so flirty and surface friendly, you know?

    actually, yeah, you're not talking about me at all. you hated david and david hated you. the end.
