
the davids

I happen to have a strange number of acquaintances named david. I guess it's no surprise, given david was the no. 5 boys name in the country in the decade we were born. but I thought I'd clear up any confusions about the davids, since I mention a couple of them quite a bit and the others make for good stories.

david banks

the david I have known the longest
and probably the coolest and sweetest one.
he writes songs and makes movies
many of which I have participated/starred in
(much to my chagrin. I am a horrible actress)
he is incredibly talented
and so fun to be around.
we like to bash on the culture bubble we live in
and reminisce about all of the memories we had
before we were really good friends.
now we have even more!

david manciati

the david who lives in the french house
and lived in my apartment for most of last semester.
we play babyfoot and share pizzas
and give important advice when we need it.
he is a tactless sweetheart.
sometimes I help him with his italian homework,
which makes me want to learn italian.
the sweater he is wearing here,
it is wool and he shrunk it in the dryer.
and now it is mine.
we went to tucanos. it was good.

david ruse (brent mckay allred)

this kid's more of an acquaintance, really
but he's been coming over lately on different pretexts.
he's oceane's lab partner from last semester
and they give each other a hard time.
his real name is not david - he changed it
on a whim for no real reason (?)
and now the government wants to know why -
but david still seems to fit more than anything else.
he's funny and he long boards, so that's cool.
and he obviously thinks we're cool enough
to hang out with. so that's also cool.

david braudt

this kid thinks he's the coolest david
to ever grace the planet.
he's my TA for physical science
and I really don't get him.
first, he was incredibly mean to me.
now, he goes out of his way to be nice to me.
I have no idea what this means.
but hey, he's being nice.
I don't think I mind. not one bit.
he is rather good-looking.
he has the most beautiful hands.

1 comment:

  1. The Daves I Know:
