
close call

oh dear. so me and oceane were driving to target in one of her family's cars. and the brakes were freaking out. I wasn't even driving and I could feel the brakes being crazy. and then suddenly they stopped working. we swerved into the luckily empty left turn lane and the brakes started working again?? so we stopped at the intersection and turned into this smallish side road, going slow-ish and we start coming up to this light and the brakes are shot again, we can't stop, cars are crossing and I scream at oceane to turn right. if not, we wouldn't have gone straight into two cars. so we swerve like none other to the right, but this white car is crossing the intersection and we're both going into the single lane and the car couldn't swerve cause another car was in the other lane ... we were seriously less than inches away from oceane being smashed into by another car. it was so freaking scary. slow motion craziness watching the cars get closer and closer together. but we barely missed. just barely. oceane said later that she was so zoned out trying to steer the car and not die that she didn't at all register the fact that I was up against my car door screaming "holy shit!!" at the top of my lungs. I kind of wish I had a video of that. I'm still kind of shaky, but it's a little funny in retrospect, considering we didn't die. and that is the end of my story.


  1. How did the two of you stop? You're not still going, are you?

  2. oh yeah, i guess i forgot that part.
    we cruised into a parking lot and turned off the car.

  3. so, how did you guys get home? are her parents getting the brakes fixed?

    that's pretty insane. i'm glad you guys are alright, thank god!
