
why am I doing this?

spell your name with songs:
Caring is creepy - the Shins
Hymne à l'amour - Josh Groban
Rootless tree - Damien Rice
I'm yours - Jason Mraz
Sur la route - Emily Loizeau
Trolleywood - Eisley
I don't know what I can save you from - Kings of Convenience
Nothing better - the Postal Service
Arc of time - Bright Eyes

Hey jude - Beatles
I will follow you into the dark - Death Cab
Let it snow! - Bing Crosby
This time tomorrow - the Kinks
Oh no - Gogol Bordello
News - Jack Johnson

shoes I wore today: black flats
perfect pizza: hawaiian
best physical feature: gonna have to say ... my boobs, legs close second
most missed memory: governor's school
adidas or nike: adidas
chocolate or vanilla: depends on my mood
smoke: no
curse: sometimes
sing: always
dance: often
take a shower everyday: most days, sometimes more than once
have a crush: nope
think you've been in love: NO
want to go to college: already there
liked high school: later years were better, but I loved it
want to get married: yes
get motion sickness: only from crazy drivers
think you're attractive: usually
think you're a health freak: in theory, yes.
get along with your parents: yes
age you hope to be married: 25-27
number of children: 3-4ish
dream wedding: washington d.c. temple, simple, classic, part indoors part outdoors, fall

opposite sex:
best eye color: brown
best hair color: dark
short or long hair: not short. medium.
height: tall very tall but not tall enough to make me feel like a child. that's creepy.

the past:
ever thrown up in public? elementary school classroom trash can
passed out from alcohol? no
what's on your mind right now? barack OBAMA first black president AWESOMOSITY!!!!!

the future:
what kind of home would you like? small, simple, stylish, foreign
what do you want to be when you grow up? someone who helps people and makes a difference
where do you see yourself in 5 years? in europe. dating.

do you like candy necklaces? no
when was the last time you fell over or ran into something? today
do you listen to music every day? yes
do you still go trick or treating? no
what was the last thing you ate? a spoonful of double chocolate frosting
favorite type of soda? orangina and sangria senorial
have you ever moved? twice but I can't remember
have you ever won an award? plenty of times.
are you listening to music right now? no
how long til your birthday? presque 3 mois
when were you the saddest in your whole life? death of grandparents and president hinckley
what time is it? 11.05 pm
do you use ebay to buy or sell? buy sometimes
who makes you mad? chauvinists, ignorants, racists
have you ever heard a song written about you? yes
something you want to happen in 2009? go to france
summer 2009? travel europe

what color is your underwear? white
what's on your mind? OBAMA
what are you doing right now? wasting time.
have you done something bad today? no
who is the last person you talked to on the phone? my mom
are you jealous of someone right now? nope
what makes you mad most of the time? idiots, men
do you bite your nails? never
are you keeping a big secret now? yes, but it's not mine
do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? never
do you like anyone? no
does anyone like you? I think so

what do you do when you're mad? rant, yell, listen to music, write
what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? um... wrote a list of all the things I hated about amanda and gave it to her
ever made anyone cry when you were mad? I think so
do you swear when you're mad? yes

when was the last time you actually cried? don't know. not very often
ever cried yourself to sleep? yes
do certain songs make you cry? yes, damien rice, always
what usually makes you cry? some books, some movies, some songs
a picture that makes you happy right now:


  1. the only reason you made that list was because i told you to. you would have fumed for weeks if it were not for that list, but man! that was a long list. it was like three pages!

  2. I love love love Hymne a l'amour! Such a good song...
    Also I love love love your pumpkin costume. hehe so cute :)
