
here goes nothing

I put an ad on craigslist. I've never done that before. in fact, I've never even looked at craigslist before. but, I love to sing and I'd really like to do it with other people not in a choir and not at church. I mean, that's all well and good, but it's not enough. I got two responses, one's a group called burning olympus and they kind of suck. but the other is this guy who it turns out is really awesome. ben (hi) rigged up this rudimentary recording studio in his house and I sang a few covers, cause I haven't written any of my own music yet, and I put them online if you'd like to take a listen. I was worried that my taste and sound wasn't what he was looking for, but he was really enthusiastic and complimentary, so I'm going to make music with this guy, tavis, and I'm really really excited! this is a first in a lot of ways and I'm confident that it's going to be fun. I hope we turn out to be friends.

I'm starting to get excited and nervous for school. I got my job schedule all worked out and even though computers aren't my specific skill, I'm a quick learner and I don't think it'll be too hard. I'm excited for my classes and everything, but once again, nervous about meeting people and making friends. and the french house. I haven't spoken french all summer and I'm worried that I'm all out of practice. but I just have to keep repeating to myself that it'll be fine, that I've already done the whole roommate thing and I've already done the immersion thing. it's going to be wonderful! (repeat repeat repeat) 

one thing I'm glad of from my job this summer is that it's become easier to talk to people, strangers, just to smile at people. I'm hoping to approach life and people with less fear and more openness this school year. and when it gets tough, I'm going to kick myself out of my room and go DO something. I'm tired of life going past me and of myself making it happen that way. I'm the only one who can change things. and just cause I'll be in utah doesn't mean I can't make the best of it. here goes nothing.

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