
playing catchup

so paris is coming to a close. it's hard to believe. the monster suitcase is packed and stored at hurlbut's apartment and we leave for the south bright and early on tuesday morning. I think it's going to be wonderful, but at the same time ... the charter bus with all of us on it (within range of kristin's voice) for 10 days ... I will pray for patience. tomorrow is our final exam and then pretty much a day of small but essential errands. I will be computerless the whole time, but I should have my new powercord when I get back, so I'll post more regularly.

I've wanted to get a pixie for a long time and I had decided to do it while I was in france. I've held off til now, but it seemed now was the time to do it before I went to the hellish heat of toulouse for the summer and to do it between the two programs to make an easy transition. so I did it yesterday afternoon. I was a little bit scared, but not too much, because I'd already made up my mind that I wanted to do it, so I already knew I had enough courage. and it turned out awesome!! I love it. it feels wonderful, I think it looks great, and it's really fun. I just went to this random haircuttery chain called "tchip", which could have turned out pretty badly, but I happen to have good hair luck and it all went great. I realized that I have never had a haircut I didn't like, which is pretty lucky.

oh sad day, mme dard's cat fell out of the kitchen window and died a few days ago. we didn't know about it til the morning after when mme called me into the kitchen and I went in and she was crying and said "mon petit chat est mort". it was so sad. I feel bad for hating it so much, but at the same time, I always kind of liked it personally, I just don't like cats in general. things have been going quite well with mme the last couple of weeks since we haven't been gone every weekend. things are good when we're all around and able to communicate more. I will be keeping in contact with her when I leave.

I've been sick yesterday and today with this weird fever achiness and headache. I just feel like my body is not working. missed the first half of church cause I couldn't get up and consequently missed the excitement of the obamas and their police escort visiting the centre pompidou across the street from the church building.

in the past two days, I have eaten fresh radishes, zucchini, cucumber, bell pepper, apricots, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, endives, tomatoes, carrots, and avocados. I love this country and their outdoor markets and fresh diversified meals. the market is incredible. so are the baguettes.

I went to see the bald soprano at the theatre de la huchette where it's been running without stopping ever since it's opening there. it was -- AWESOME. I love that play.

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