

mathias came to visit me in toulouse this weekend and we had a good time. we went to albi on saturday and saw (supposedly) the largest brick building in the world, the cathedral there, that looks rather formidable on the outside, not very pretty I would say, but the second you get through the door, you're just ... breath-taken. it was beautiful, all the walls and ceiling painted, humongous, still formidable, but beautiful too.

we also went to the toulouse-lautrec art museum (he was from albi) which was really awesome, though slightly annoying, as the permanent collection was quite small and the "temporary exhibition" was huge and actually comprised of works all owned by the museum, they were just being stingy. I actually forgot at first that it was the temporary exhibit and started taking a couple pictures (sans flash, of course) and the guard guy freaked out on me ("totalement interdit!!") and I was kind of, or a lot, embarressed, but oh well, such is life. we get over it.

I only have one more week of work left, and as I've discovered, weeks fly by. months are slow, but weeks fly. which means I'll be home before I know it! which makes me so happy. I can't wait to see my family and océane. it's so strange how provo kind of feels like home, but mostly it's strange that I feel that way when I'll be leaving it soon. I don't know why these things continue to surprise me, since it happens to me all the time. I should be used to it by now. school's going to be fun but oh so busy and I'm determined to do well, to enjoy life, to accomplish things and make the most of my time.

it's so hard to believe that this is my last year of school. I don't know if I'm ready, but I guess I'll have to be. after I graduate, carolyn's wedding is in may, and then family vacation in june in vermont, which I wouldn't miss for the world, and then ... I don't know. I may go to cameroon with océane to work in a leper colony for 2 months. that depends on how much money I can save up this year. then I may go on a mission. or I may go to grad school. but which one? and how will I pay for it? and how will I manage living life on my own, as an adult?? what a strange thought. but the day is fast coming where I'll actually have to live in that label permanently.

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