

I am being SO snarky today.
downhill since yesterday afternoon.
except for andy's family - they don't make me snarky at all.
they make me laugh a lot.

last night, facts were sprung on me.
facts I still have not yet been able to process emotionally.
which is driving me freaking crazy.
or snarky.
or whatever.

I slept on the couch.
and slept badly.
and didn't shower this morning.

and after work, I'm skipping my classes
to go home and crawl back into my comforter.
and try to process emotionally.
which is always difficult and confusing and lame.

and makes me snarky.

this song has meant so many different things to me.
all of them existed beneath my skin in a place I can't describe.
in an inseparable and undefinable way.
sigur ros tends to do that to me.

well, I can't get it out of my head:

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