


me and dad in a church building, supposedly during church time, but there was a big reception going on, with tables and chairs set up in the cultural hall but also a big set-up in the hallway and some of the other rooms. anniversary celebration for eric and lynne stout. holding plaster masks of themselves, one guy still had plaster all over his face. taking pictures with an old accordion-style camera. I was talking to a black guy about my studies and we were speaking in french, my accent was not very good, and a black boy was sitting around listening.


me and andy - we keep diving into this giant aquarium and playing with this smallish killer whale. I would bring a fish in my pocket for him. he was super cute and friendly. last time we dived in to visit, there was a bigger whale, and we could see the bottom of a boat, and a creepy carnivore fish was trying to get the mini fish in my pocket, so I gave it to it. we looked for the killer whale, very worried, and found it attached to the wall of the aquarium, lying on the wall on its stomach, and attached to the wall by two tubes with large round pumps on the ends attached to the wall, like a breathing machine and the whale was ... wheezing? breathing with difficulty. I was very sad. then the creepy fish was kind of chasing us. it wasn't attacking, but it was being antagonistic and aggressive and scary. when we tried to get out of the aquarium, it would go out into the water "hallway" and head us off every time we tried. eventually we got out.


some kind of camping thing. I think with some of the people from my backpacking class, including patti, the teacher. measuring dirt into mason jars to take out for catholes, but there were tons of little daddylonglegs in the dirt. I kept trying to get dirt without d.l.legs, but it was hard. for some reason, the d.l.legs kind of swarmed to my right armpit, but only there. there was a gigantic spider, six or seven inches across. turned out to be a black widow, very clearly when I saw its underside when I knocked it down. right about when I was showing it to patti, another student had found another one. patti killed it, but not mine yet - I was paranoid about squishing it and ended up inadvertently stepping on it anyway. there was a little train between our camp and a stop in town. we rode it a few times.


in a horse race, I was the jockey, the horse was young and inexperience and fast (of course - isn't this how all jockey stories go down?) on the racecourse. we have a couple of narrow misses where horses around us go down. one in particular, I'm looking behind me and the horse behind goes totally down, in slow motion, jockey trapped beneath. we don't manage to stay on the track the whole time, because I was backwards on the horse or something and turning back around to get back up the right way scared the horse.

at an apartment, mine, living with kristin depalma and lesa. lesa made pumpkin pie - trying to decide if it could be entered in some competition, but she seemed to think it was overdone. kristin broke andy's computer somehow - it was sitting upside down in a blue butterfly chair in her room. but for some reason, this meant his car was broken. did she break that, too? she was supposed to get it fixed, but apparently she ran off for the weekend with a bunch of laundry and not a word about it.

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