
I have zero self-control

So I've never been a major tv-watching kind of girl.  In the kindergarten days, I watched Barney and Lambchop (woohoo!) and Zorro while my mom did the ironing and everyone else was at school.  I still remember the sound of steam mixing with all those theme songs.  ah the good old days.  I guess I had different tv show stages, Rocket Power, Even Stevens, the Simpsons, etc. but I probably spent more of my time reading than anything else.  BUT now, all that has changed.  I don't even have a tv, but the internet and my laptop are just as good.   At least now I can get as close to the screen as I want without my mother nagging me that I'm going to hurt my eyes.  Now I can watch tv without getting carpet marks on my elbows!  But now I'm catching up on all those years of missed television opportunities.  My most recent tv loves are Desperate Housewives and New Amsterdam.  I had always written off Desperate Housewives as slutty and stupid.  Oh how wrong I was.  It probably is slutty and stupid, but I love it.  I caught up to the fourth season in about a week.  or less.  Ridiculous, I know.  And then I just discovered a brand new show called New Amsterdam with a dreamy Dane playing some 400 year old immortal NYPD homicide detective.  What's not to love?  At least I only had to catch up on six episodes this time.  Yeah, I could/should be doing many more worthwhile things with my time, like studying for some intense finals coming up in the next two weeks, but I have other catching up to do.  It's called the life of mindless "vegetating" (as mom would say) in front of the tv that I never really embraced.  Nothing like college to bring out the 6 year old in me.  But drama these days sure beats Barney, even if it's still as predictable as Zorro.


  1. AND you had cable growing up. I did not, so i guess i have even more catching up than you do!

    though, the only shows i really care about anymore are gossip girl (i know, lame) and SNL. and i can watch both of those online, so it'll be okay if i never have a tv again. i'm seriously considering this.

  2. it's a plan.

    what do you think of the blog?
    is the name lame?
    i couldn't think of anything.
