
worst day of work EVER and other things

I've written and told this story too many times already, so it's gonna be shorter here. numerous nigerians paid me in hundred dollar bills and a traveler's check. I had never done a check before and he paid with check and cash and then my drawer wouldn't open to give him his change. it was a fiasco. then I didn't have any change in my drawer and edwin went to get change from the safe in the back and who knows what he did. I was too busy freaking out. and margaret was telling me wrong things and then correcting herself and still managing to be condescending while being wrong. how is that possible? the register stopped working a couple of times on me. 

and then, my drawer was missing $54 and I was supposedly the only one who had rung cash on that drawer that day. traumatic day.

then later, it was me, brittney, josh, and edwin. they were messing around like usual. then josh gave us a pep talk and started us cleaning up the store. I did what I was supposed to because I'm an excellent worker. the other three stood in a cluster in the front of the store and talked while I bumped the entire store, tagged and straightened the shoes, windexed, cleaned the bathroom, helped customers, AND did register while they stood there and messed around with balloons and threw shoes at each other. because of course, they couldn't be bothered to actually do any work while working.

and the most frustrating thing is that I can't break the unwritten co-worker code of not ratting on them. and I can't tell dan anonymously what's going on because he'll tell everyone to work and they'll know it was me cause I'm the only one who works when there isn't a responsible manager in sight. and dan doesn't even know what an awesome employee I am cause all of this happens when he's not there. AND I lost $54!!! 

this sucks. except I just got my schedule for the next two weeks and I'm working 19 hours and then 24 hours, which seems a weird reaction to losing money and not knowing crap, especially when they're cutting hours. my only hope can be that everyone's out of town or dan watched the security tape or something. doubtful.


thursday and friday, I felt like I was seriously starving to death. I didn't even feel like eating, I wasn't craving sweets, I was just absolutely starving like I hadn't eaten all day, even 10 minutes after I'd eat a full-blown meal. it was absolutely miserable and scary as hell because I didn't know what was going on with me. I swear, if I had a disease or cancer or something, it wouldn't be that bad if I knew what was going on, I could deal with it. but having issues and not knowing what's going on is terrifying to me, the unknown in all forms. the starvation thing finally went away, in fact went just to the opposite of feeling, so absolutely full I was going to be sick. something must have happened to my hypothalamus. quirking out.

but then my foot swelled up and I had chills and a headache and a backache. it was the weirdest thing. I felt like my body was falling apart, like I was separating into pieces that were disintegrating, slowly, doggedly. I felt better when I woke up on saturday though. I think I should just take vitamins and try to forget about it.

I went to see the dark knight, the new batman movie, in imax opening night midnight release with david and elizabeth. we sat on the third row, so I need to see it again to get the full visual detail, but the city scenes were so awesome. and the joker's face 50 feet tall was a sight to be seen. as was christian bale's. in a much more delightful way. I'm going to post a review after I see it again. but for now, all you need to know is that it's awesome and worth seeing, but don't expect a batman begins duplicate. it's different.

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