sorry if the reverb posts are boring ...
they'll soon be over :)
- lake michigan
prompt 13: action. when it comes to aspirations, it's not about ideas. it's about making ideas happen. what's your next step?
- steps are in the works. to be disclosed at a later date.
prompt 14: appreciate. what's one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? how do you express gratitude for it?
- knowing that everything is going to be okay. I express gratitude by living more fully and by trying to be kind to myself.
prompt 15: five minutes. imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.
- I felt safe, brave, strong, powerful, soft, and kind.
- I felt peace, growth, fear, confidence, assurance, more fear, and reassurance.
- I fell in love.
- I had fun and adventures. hard times, too. lots of talks and shenanigans and new things.
- I had a vacation.
- I graduated.
- I trusted.
- it worked out fine. more than fine. better than I could have imagined.
prompt 16: friendship. how has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?
- this spring and summer I had a lot of kind friends that sort of just ... cared about me. some were roommates. some were sisters I visit taught. I slipped out of myself and just felt at home with these friends who just loved me for some reason, just because I was me.
prompt 17: lesson learned. what was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? and how will you apply that lesson going forward?
- it is good enough to be christina. it is just good enough to be me. I don't have to be anything more than that. people who think I should be more than that are just wrong.
- I will use this knowledge to keep re-teaching myself that it's true, to re-convince myself of the other truths that go along with it - it's hard to remember and oh so easy to slip back into the negative thought patterns and lies. but this truth will guide the process of change and progress as I become more fully aware of myself and my goodness and shed the things I do not need or want that are weighing me down.
prompt 18: try. what do you want to try next year? is there something you wanted to try in 2010? what happened when you did/didn't go for it?
- I've wanted to try outdoors-ness for a long time. I still haven't made it a complete part of my lifestyle like I want to, but I'll say that part of that is winter. I tried backpacking and rock-climbing, both things I've wanted to get into, and did some camping and more hiking. it was fun :) I want to do more.
- I want to really try yoga - for real this time. I'm beginning this with a 8 class-pass my parents gave me for my birthday for Schoolhouse Yoga, a great yoga studio with several branches in Pittsburgh. so far, I've tried 3 different kinds of yoga - it's nice to have a sampling and find out what works best for me and what I enjoy the most.
prompt 19: healing. what healed you this year? was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? how would you like to be healed in 2011?
- one thing: it was a sudden healing, almost an epiphany. I realized something within myself, and instantly I felt free and so happy. it certainly wasn't from me alone, though. the completeness of the healing certainly came from Christ.
- all the other things: a drip-by-drip evolution, taking time as I go through the process of just realizing what it is I need to heal from, and how. I still feel a long way from healing completely, but the peace of the process helps encourage me when the depth and complication of it all gets over-whelming.
prompt 20: beyond avoidance. what should you have done this year but didn't because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (bonus: will you do it?)
- I didn't eat very well or take good care of my body. (though I did better than I have in the past) these are things I'm working on, but it's going to take a stronger commitment to myself. progress will come through small and simple changes, but I haven't decided on the specifics yet. perhaps I will keep you posted.
prompt 21: future self. imagine yourself five years from now. what advice would you give your current self for the year ahead?
- take care of yourself. be kind to yourself. don't feel guilty about doing it.
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