so, guess who completely forgot to pack her camera before leaving on vacation to washington state? yes, yours truly. and I am seriously so depressed about it. then again, it's yet another reason to go back ... not that I need a reason. I could go back right now. I LOVED IT. I'm going to find some stock pictures to give you an idea.
this isn't quite the view from the ferry, but close enough
pike place market was amazing! andy and I both got some books from a used book shop - I got a couple of matching old signet classic editions of northanger abbey and pride & prejudice - the cover art is so clever and just my style. I got a beautiful pashmina scarf for cheap from 'el gringo imports' - a place which also had an exact replica of my very own (I thought) incredibly unique alpaca sweater. I still felt cool :) I also got 2 $5 sterling silver rings. andy got smoked salmon and bought me the loveliest sweetpeas. they made me feel so pretty.
the flower market had the most beautiful fresh peonies in light and deep pink hues and the most enormous bouquets, that you'd pay 45 or 50 for in a flower shop, were only 20 at most. it was incredible.
here's where we were staying on the map:

we went with suzy and patrick and the kids (who were delightful) and they rented the most gorgeous, perfect little house on the hood canal. it was quite old (built 1920) and beautifully restored and furnished. all wood floors, narrow staircases, windows everywhere. it was just heavenly.

there is no question. it was amazing. so so want to go back.
we were staying right on the edge of olympic national forest, but we drove around to the other side to do the hikes we had in mind. we went hiking in the quinault valley of the forest. it was so perfect, that hike. my favorite part of the whole trip. (except maybe for riding the ferry out of seattle at 10 pm with a full moon and the city skyline all lit up and holding my boyfriend in the wind) (yeah except that)
they even had slugs!! like this one:
AND I have discovered that I really like driving long distances. this was my first time driving on a road trip and though I got tired, I actually like driving! a lot! which was convenient, because andy does not very much.
too bad there aren't any stock photos of me and my boyfriend to be found on the internet. cause we would have looked lovely in washington. in fact, we did.
Wonderful trip, great stock photos (especially the slug). Doesn't Andy have a camera, or did he forget his, too?