
somehow adorable

I just realized that I never got these up at halloween-time cause the internet was being stupid. well, it's still sort of stupid, but it works. here is my mold-ridden, diseased (yet still somehow adorable) pumpkin, a tribute to where the wild things are.


  1. That last photo is the most vile thing I've ever seen.

    How long did it take to grow that much mold?

  2. That's incredible!

    Do you live in the amazon?

  3. nope - I definitely live in a very dry, inhospitable valley called utah.

    i think it was diseased or something. but it totally creeped me out. my friend was like 'imagine what something like that would do in your lungs!' and then i was DONE - it was in the trash faster than you could say DEADLY BACTERIA!!!
