
conference summary - day 1

morning session:

_ strong emotions overpower the spirit, including anger, hate, passion, fear, pride
_ need to have a time of quiet - be still - each day
_ aim high - more than you think you can do
_ love is a source of strength, casts out fear, brings peace
_ consistently live what you know
_ love is tolerance and respect, joy & divine hope
_ what we love determines what we seek, then what we think and do, then who we are & who we will become

afternoon session:

_ raising families = the work of eternity
_ real love does not support self-destructive behavior
_ when skeptical and critical, the spirit cannot be with us
_ each day do a little better
_ there will always be intellectual crisis as long as there is faith and a finite mind
_ be temperate in all things - moderation, self-control, diligent, patient, when under stress will not break into hurtful shards
_ you can always pray

a specific goal: express anger, passion or frustration about a situation or event, not at a person.

I love conference. it just makes peace all through me.

later, I did mine and most everyone else's chores, including the sinks, toilet, shower, kitchen counters, stove & table, and swept and mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors. then I took out the trash. then I cleaned up my bookshelf and floor (I had already cleaned up the closet). now I just need to do some laundry. on monday, probably. chores are so much less daunting when it's just a little apartment with one bathroom and doesn't take a posse of children to clean.

tomorrow - more conference, afternoon at celesta's, write 2 papers, readings for monday class, put up art in my room, plan the week, go for a walk. I can pretty much guarantee that only half of that is going to get done.

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