weekend! was eventful. friday night I babysat maxwell while c p & v went to the homecoming spectacular. we had so much fun! we did finger paints, watercolors (I am very proud of mine, it is now on my fridge), and shaving cream, which he had never done before. man that stuff smells so good - almost as good as cologne. i took the most hilarious videos which will be posted when the internet decides to work.
saturday I had a customer service workshop in the morning, mediocre. then I worked out and showered and went to work. it was freezing!! why utah, why?? after work I chilled at home, maybe did some cleaning, I can't remember, and got ready for my date with greg. I got ready. and I looked good.
we went to eat at guru's, an awesome place in downtown provo with cultural and artistic decor inspirations and a wide selection of delicious and relatively cheap food. I got fettucine pasta with a cream sauce and beans, carrots, zucchini, squash, and artichoke hearts (which were completely marinated in the most delicious lemon sauce). it was amazing. the veggies were obviously fresh. I don't remember much what we talked about, except what kind of food we like (he likes indian, I don't know what I like) and he asked me where I would go if I had the money and time to visit any 5 cities in the world. (cause obviously we had plenty to talk about) I said paris/bordeaux, reykjavik, buenos aires, somewhere in india, and dakar (with marrakesh runner-up).
then we went to see the legend of the black scorpion at international cinema. it was incredible! the plot is kind of hamlet except more nuanced and complicated. I absolutely love the fusion of art and skill in asian culture, the incorporation of spirituality and beauty into all aspects of life. the end scene where pretty much everyone dies was so sad and violent, but the movie ended and I wasn't thinking, this is so sad and violent, but this is so beautiful.
sunday night darin hosted a poetry night with hot chocolate. I read two of mine that I've posted on here and also some of my favorites: the chaucer I love and sylvia plath's nick and the candlestick. it was a little scary to put myself out there to relative strangers like that (I read my depressing lyrics) but I feel good about it. it was received with relative quiet, some of it probably inspired by the reception of raw emotions, the rest in admiration for the poem. and the only reason I'm saying that is cause people told me later they were impressed.
stephan came. it's funny how awkward he can be in social settings, yet so natural when we talk. we talked for like 45 minutes after, out by his car in the cold, about a ton of stuff we never talked about from our past. it was good to get it all taken care of. and now we finally do have the friendship that I thought we'd always had all along. at least it's resolved, so I don't really need to get wrapped up in all the time that it wasn't. man, we've been best friends for most of 5 years. that's ridiculous.
end of the weekend.
I am poor and I don't like it.
this is the jacket I spent too much on, but it's freaking awesome. I guess it's really just a picture of me. deal with it. I think it's a pretty good picture, even though my hair is kind of weird here.

...ok. i will comment. to say that in your picture, it looks like you're just about to, or just finished making some sort of Landon-esque growl sound.
ReplyDeleteyes. i was intimidated.
christina, what if greg read this?
ReplyDeletei think you should reconsider using the names of people you go out with on here, and maybe not be so blunt about not being into him. i mean, if i were him, i would be so distraught after reading this.
you are very right.